Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 SUNY Potsdam Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 SUNY Potsdam Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

@ = Indicates a non-liberal arts course. Please refer to College Credit Policies  for a description of non-liberal arts credits.


Public Health and Human Performance

All 300 and 400 level courses require A minimum of Junior standing.

  • HLTH 300 - Environmental Health

    3 Credit(s)

    An analysis of the environmental nature of public health and on controlling the factors that are harmful to health. Focus is on current environmental issues including water and air pollution, workplace safety, environmental toxins, food safety, and shelter and how those issue have an impact on the health of individuals. Fall.

  • HLTH 310 - Health Disparities

    3 Credit(s)

    In this course, students will examine disparities in the health status of a variety of population groups defined on the basis of race/ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, ability, etc. Students will examine and discuss epidemiologic data illustrating disparities, factors that contribute to those disparities and strategies to address disparities.

  • HLTH 325 - Alcohol Studies

    3 Credit(s)

    An examination of the physical, psychological, and sociological implications of alcohol use and abuse. A primary focus is on confronting our own as well as others attitudes and beliefs about alcohol use. Additional emphasis is placed on theories of causation, awareness of values, and conflicting value systems relating to prevention and the importance of developing an understanding of the role of alcohol use in western society. Spring.

  • HLTH 331 - Death and Dying

    3 Credit(s)

    An examination of the social and psychological implications of the study of death and dying with particular emphasis on their relevance to enhancing the quality of life. Death is viewed as an integral part of life and the final stage of growth, more than a mere biological event. A focus of the course is to provide an understanding of those issues which have an impact upon individuals when going through life-threatening processes. The importance of recognizing needs, nonverbal or symbolic behavior and effective communication is studied along with the impact of loss in the life cycle. Spring.

  • HLTH 333 - Human Nutrition

    3 Credit(s)

    Designed to acquaint the student with the basic principles of nutrition including a study of the nutrients, their functions and sources, the application of nutrition principles to the various stages of the human life cycle, the question of food safety in terms of additives, residues, and natural toxicants, and the area of nutrition quackery. Students will become involved in self-evaluation projects and group discussions that will enable them to apply the basic principles to their daily eating habits and lifestyles. Fall and Spring.

  • HLTH 341 - Sexual Health

    3 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to be an exploration of topics in sexual health. Students will examine adolescent and sexual identity development; sexual health issues such as sexually transmitted disease, reproduction and sexual violence, and community health strategies used to address sexual health such as sexuality education, disease prevention and sexual health promotion efforts, sexual/reproductive health care. Students will also explore the impact of attitudes about sex on sexual health and on public health strategies to address sexual health. Spring.

  • HLTH 342 - Women’s Health

    3 Credit(s)

    This course examines health concerns specific to women. Behavioral, psychological and socio-cultural aspects of women’s experience in health systems will be explored, as well as general influences such as age, race, ethnicity and social class on women’s roles as recipients and providers of health care. Course topics include historical perspectives on women’s health, gender differences in morbidity and mortality, patient and health care provider relationships, health care consumerism, the impact of employment, motherhood, divorce and aging, and other health concerns unique to women. Fall.

  • HLTH 343 - Maternal and Child Health

    3 Credit(s)

    Maternal Child Health (MCH) offers an introduction to health issues affecting infants, children, adolescents and women of reproductive age. The course focuses on the ways in which poverty, politics, and racial/ethnic disparities affect the health of families in the U.S. and abroad. Students will examine the history and organization of MCH programs in the U.S., discuss the organization and financing of MCH health services, and explore current topics and trends in MCH, including pregnancy and childbirth, children with special needs, and teen pregnancy, among others. Spring.

  • HLTH 344 - Issues in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Health

    3 Credit(s)

    This seminar-style course explores issues related to the health and well being of lesbian women, gay men and bisexual women and men. Topics covered include the development of gay, lesbian or bisexual identity; the impact of coming out on well being; the current state of research into the gay, lesbian and bisexual health; the nature of homophobia and heterosexism; the impact of living in a homophobic, heterosexist society; strategies to combat homophobia/heterosexism and build supportive environments (in schools, health care settings, etc.); and related topics of interest to students enrolled in the class. As warranted.

  • HLTH 345 - Child Abuse and Neglect

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will examine child abuse and neglect as a significant public health problem. Students will examine the nature, prevalence, determinants and consequences of abuse and neglect. In addition, programs and systems to identify, respond to and prevent abuse and neglect will be critically reviewed. As warranted.

  • HLTH 346 - Preventing Violence Against Women

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will provide students with an introduction to violence against women and efforts to prevent it. While violence is perpetrated against men, the focus of this course is to understand its etiology and impact against women. In this course, students will learn about types of violence against women, the health consequences of violence, as well as risk factors for both victimization and perpetration. Students will explore the efficacy of violence prevention efforts in both public health and the criminal justice systems. As warranted.

  • @HLTH 370 - Health Coaches II

    2 Credit(s)

    Students will learn methods for medical assessment and will develop their own ability to undertake comprehensive bio-psycho-social insights for promoting positive health behaviors in others. These methods will include ethically-informed practices for helping patients toward better adherence of medical plans, avoidance of at-risk behaviors, assistance in navigating the healthcare system and understanding of personal health. Students will have the opportunity to meet one on one with patients discharged from Canton Potsdam Hospital, under the supervision of the Health Care Team. Satisfactory completion of the Health Coaches I Seminar is required for participation in Health Coaches II; however, it does not guarantee selection.

  • HLTH 371 - Nutrition for Special Populations

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will cover issues related to the nutrition among specific populations of people. Topics will include prenatal nutrition, nutrition for children and the elderly, and nutrition for athletes. Fall.

  • HLTH 373 - Current Topics in Community Health Nutrition

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will cover issues related to the latest research in nutrition. Students will investigate such topics as phytochemicals, vegetarianism and herbal supplements. Fall.

  • HLTH 375 - Navigating the American Diet

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will provide an in-depth analysis of the science of weight management. Using current scientific nutrition research students will learn about the nature of hunger, appetite and satiety and will explore how the current American diet promotes weight gain. Students will learn about current fad diets; how obesity and weight gain are associated with chronic disease; the role of physical activity in weight management; the dangers associated with disordered eating; and medical treatment methods for treating obesity including appetite suppressants and gastric bypass surgery. Through interactive, student led activities, students will learn how to maximize nutrients and flavor in the food they eat without also maximizing calories. Spring.

  • HLTH 380 - Theory in Community Health

    3 Credit(s)

    Gen Ed: TF
    This course will provide students with an overview of theories used in health education and communication. Fall and Spring.

  • HLTH 385 - Epidemiology and Biostatistics

    3 Credit(s)

    Gen Ed: SW
    Introduction to principles and methods of epidemiology and biostatistics used to study etiology, distribution and control of disease. Fall and Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): STAT 100  or MATH 125 .
  • HLTH 391V - Community Health in Ghana

    3 Credit(s)

    This is an interdisciplinary seminar and travel course that will focus on health and developmental issues in Ghana through experimental learning. Students will be exposed to the social and cultural aspects of life in Ghana. This course will examine the connection between the social determinants of health and quality of life of people in Ghana. Topics to be covered include history and culture of Ghana, organization and avenues for health care, and gender related issues. The seminar component of the course is designed to prepare students for the travel to Ghana. Fall and Spring.

  • HLTH 395 - Special Topics

    1-12 Credit(s)

  • HLTH 398 - Tutorial

    1-3 Credit(s)

  • HLTH 430 - Human Disease: Patterns, Prevention and Intervention

    3 Credit(s)

    Contemporary concepts of causation, prevention and intervention of chronic and communicable disease. Individual and community risk factors will be analyzed with an emphasis on prevention. Fall and Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 107 .
  • @HLTH 445 - Therapeutic Recreation

    3 Credit(s)

    This course examines recreation as an integral part of the treatment process for youth-at-risk, people with disabilities, and other special populations such s those with drug/alcohol dependencies. The use of adventure experiences as modalities for participant change is a primary focus of this course. Fall. Cross-listed as WILD 445. Fall Only

  • HLTH 465 - Health Instruction Strategies

    3 Credit(s)

    An introduction into the philosophy, instructional strategies, and general health topics applied while instructing health courses. Discussion of relevant topics, assessment techniques, and student-teacher interaction will provide students with skills, knowledge, and experience needed to successfully teach a health course to both high school and college students. Emphasis is on appropriate instruction techniques and public speaking skills that most effectively will reach the target population. Community Health majors only. Instructor permission required. As warranted.

  • @HLTH 470 - Program Planning

    3 Credit(s)

    Gen Ed: CM
    An analysis of methods and strategies for community health needs assessment, determining community demographics and program needs. Discussion and application of community health program planning and implementation in a variety of settings, as well as criteria and procedures for program evaluation.

    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 361 .
  • HLTH 475 - Seminar: Community Health Minor

    2 Credit(s)

    Exposes Community Health minors to community programs or agencies. Students gain experience developing or working on an applied project. Community Health minors only. Fall, Spring and Summer.

    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 165   and HLTH 361 .
  • @HLTH 476 - Seminar: Nutrition Minor

    2 Credit(s)

    Exposes Nutrition minors to programs or agencies. Students gain experience developing or working on a nutrition project. Nutrition minors only. Fall, Spring, and Summer.

    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 165  and HLTH 371  and HLTH 373 .
  • HLTH 480 - Program Evaluation

    3 Credit(s)

    Evaluation theory and fundamental principles of evaluation technique. Process, outcome and impact evaluations of the effectiveness and efficacy of disease and injury prevention and intervention programs will be developed using qualitative and quantitative methods.

    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 361  and @HLTH 470 .
  • @HLTH 485 - Pre-Internship Seminar

    2 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to prepare Community Health majors to select their internships for the following semester. The course will include interviewing techniques, supervisor-employee relationships, responsibilities as an intern, with significant emphasis on student research in the content area of their interest (e.g., nutrition, environmental health, substance use prevention, etc.) Students must take this course the semester prior to their internship. Community Health majors only. Fall and Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): @HLTH 470  or HLTH 480 .
  • @HLTH 490 - Internship

    12 Credit(s)

    Gen Ed: CT
    A full semester experiential placement in a community-based, health-related agency (two separate 7-week experiences). May require residence in any part of state at student’s expense. To enroll, students must complete all courses required for the major with a 2.5 or higher major GPA; students must earn at least a 2.0 in each course counting toward the major; and students must have earned a passing score on the entrance essay. Contact the Community Health Internship Coordinator, Sarah Lister at Fall, Spring and Summer.

    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 470  And HLTH 480  
  • @HLTH 491 - Honors Internship

    6 Credit(s)

    Honors students will spend 20 hours/week for 14 weeks interning at a local public health organization. Students must meet all eligibility requirements for the Community Health Major Internship (HLTH 490). Instructor permissions required. Fall and Spring. S*/U* grading only.

    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 485  with a minimum grade of 3.0.
    Corequisite(s): HLTH 493  and HLTH 494 .
  • @HLTH 492 - Honors Thesis I

    3 Credit(s)

    In conjunction with a faculty mentor, over the course of an academic year, students will complete an Honor’s Thesis. For Honor’s Thesis I, students will complete Chapter 1 (needs assessment/literature review) and Chapter 2 (methods). Students in the Honor’s Program will meet weekly to discuss their theses and review research methods. Admission into the Community Health Honors Program and instructor permission required. Fall and Spring.

  • @HLTH 493 - Honors Thesis II

    3 Credit(s)

    Students will analyze and interpret the data and complete Chapters 3 (Results) and Chapter 4 (discussion) of the thesis. Students will present their research to faculty and representatives of any community organization(s) involved in the research. Instructor permission required. Fall and Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 492 .
    Corequisite(s): HLTH 491  and HLTH 494 .
  • @HLTH 494 - Honors Seminar

    3 Credit(s)

    Students attend a regional, state or national public health conference. The conference will afford students opportunity to network and learn about the latest research in the field. Students will prepare a final report for distribution to the Community Health faculty and students. The Honors students will meet bi-weekly in the Honor’s lounge to discuss their thesis research and internship placements. Instructor permission required.  Fall and Spring. S*/U* grading only.

    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 492 .
    Corequisite(s): HLTH 491  and HLTH 493 .
  • HLTH 495 - Special Topics

    1-12 Credit(s)

  • HLTH 498 - Tutorial

    1-3 Credit(s)

  • HLTH 591V - Community Health in Ghana

    3 Credit(s)

    This is an interdisciplinary seminar and travel course that will focus on health and developmental issues in Ghana through experimental learning. Students will be exposed to the social and cultural aspects of life in Ghana. This course will examine the connection between the social determinants of health and quality of life of people in Ghana. Topics to be covered include history and culture of Ghana, organization and avenues for health care, and gender related issues. The seminar component of the course is designed to prepare students for the travel to Ghana. Fall and Spring.

  • PE 102 - Physical Education Activities: Badminton

    1 Credit(s)

    Development of skill for appreciation of a variety of activities for fitness and lifetime recreation. Count toward General Education Physical Education/Health and Wellness requirement.

  • WILD 145 - Hiking 101

    1 Credit(s)

    Fall and Spring

Secondary Education

  • GRED 596 - Student Teaching Remediation

    3 Credit(s)

    This course is individually designed based on the candidate’s Professional Development Plan (PDP) and typically includes a student teaching placement.   

  • GRED 649 - Student Teaching Grades 5-9

    12 Credit(s)

    Student Teaching Grades 5-9 Fall and Spring S/U

  • gred 662 - Student Teaching Grades 1-3

    12 Credit(s)

    Student Teaching Grades 1-3 Fall and Spring S/U

  • GRED 663 - Student Teaching Grades 4-6

    12 Credit(s)

    Student Teaching Grades 4-6 Fall and Spring S/U

  • GRED 683 - Student Teaching Grades 7-9

    12 Credit(s)

    Student Teaching Grades 7-9.  Fall and Spring S/U

  • GRED 686 - Student Teaching Grades 10-12

    12 Credit(s)

    Student Teaching Grades 10-12 Fall and Spring. S/U

  • @SECD 210 - Computer Applications in Middle/Secondary Education

    1 Credit(s)

    To provide an introduction to the use of microcomputers in education. The course will present general knowledge about personal computers, the Internet and an overview of their use in secondary education. The course will emphasize general software applications of computer technology in education. Students will also have the opportunity to examine resources available through the Internet in specific educational areas. Fall and Spring.

  • @SECD 316 - Technology and Media in Middle/Secondary School Mathematics

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will provide students the opportunity to learn how technology and media can enhance the understanding of mathematics when used appropriately. Students will explore appropriate uses of the calculator, graphing calculator, spreadsheets, and software such as Geometer’s Sketchpad. They will review the state regulations related to the use of calculating devices on the NYS Regents examinations and learn how to use technology for adapting instruction to special needs students. Students will study the use of the internet to support secondary mathematics education. In addition, they will review the use of other multimedia devices and products.

    Pre/Corequisite(s): EDLS 349 .

  • @SECD 340 - Classroom Management in Secondary Education

    1 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to develop the skill necessary to address student behavior in the classroom. The focus will be on effective practices and techniques for behavior management and classroom teacher leadership. Participants will be provided opportunities to practice and observe different approaches through various activities and in the practicum for the English Language Arts Learning Communities and Foreign Language education programs. Current issues and problems will also be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLS 349 .
  • @SECD 356 - Reading in the Middle/Secondary Schools

    3 Credit(s)

    Explores the skills, strategies, and diverse text structures for reading across the disciplines. Application of teaching methods in the Secondary Education curriculum to support reading development of native English speakers and students who are English language learners. Fall, Spring and Summer.

  • @SECD 357 - Writing in the Middle/Secondary Schools

    3 Credit(s)

    Explores the skills, strategies, and diverse text structures for writing across the disciplines. Application of teaching methods in the Secondary Education curriculum to support writing development of native English speakers and students who are English language learners. Fall and Summer.

  • @SECD 361 - English Language Arts: Grades 5-12

    4 Credit(s)

    Introduction to teaching literacy (reading, writing, speaking and listening) in the English Language Arts classroom, grades 5-12. Focused studies will include: developmental considerations of middle childhood (grades 5-9) and adolescence (grades 7-12) and their relationship to language acquisition, English language arts curricula, and state and national standards at the two development levels. Common threads in the two areas of focused studies will include 1) student-centered literacy and 2) language arts curriculum and instruction which integrate the literacy skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening to provide for the learning needs, interests, and abilities of all students, including learners acquiring the English language arts as a second language and students with special learning needs. Resources for teaching ELA available through computer technology will be explored and criteria for evaluating these resources and software will be reviewed and applied. Fall.

  • @SECD 370 - Teaching Mathematics in Middle School

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will introduce students to current research and issues related to teaching mathematics in the middle school. The students in this course will learn how to engage middle school students in meaningful mathematics, how to work with middle school students who are not meeting minimum standards and how to prepare middle school students for the abstract world of algebra. They will become knowledgeable about the current NYS Learning Standards for Mathematics and the NCTM Standards. Students will concurrently take @SECD 390 . Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLS 349  & @SECD 316 .
    Corequisite(s): SECD 390 .
  • @SECD 371 - Teaching Writing Language/Communication: Grades 5-12

    4 Credit(s)

    Second course in the sequence in teaching literacy in English Language Arts classroom, grades 5-12. This course will extend study of literacy for all learners, including students acquiring the English language arts as a second language and students with special learning needs, in middle childhood and adolescence English Language Arts classrooms. The course will provide focused studies on the teaching of writing, language, and communication. Infused throughout this focused study at both the middle childhood and adolescence levels will be teaching strategies for integrating reading, writing, speaking and listening.  Students will also examine media and technology applications, resources, software, computer-based multimedia programs, and non-print “texts” for teaching writing, language and communication. Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): SECD 361 .
    Corequisite(s):  @SECD 391 .
  • @SECD 372 - Science Instruction and Assessment: Grades 5-12

    3 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to enable future teachers to examine their own beliefs about science, learning, and teaching, as well as to develop understanding of the tenets upon which the National Science Education Standards and National Science Teacher Association Teacher Preparation Standards are based. The course will focus on standards for teaching and assessment in grades 5-8 and 9-12. Students will use technology in support of active learning throughout this course. Fall.

  • @SECD 373 - Middle and Secondary School Social Studies Curriculum

    3 Credit(s)

    Introduction to role of social studies in curriculum of junior and senior high school. Emphasizes philosophical bases for social studies in high school program, changing roles of social studies in American high schools (including New York State) since the 1920s, and various current schools of thought as to nature of secondary social studies. Explores contributions of social studies to a liberal secondary school education within democratic society. Spring.

    Corequisite(s): @SECD 393 .
  • @SECD 374 - Introduction to First and Second Language Acquisition Grades 5-12

    3 Credit(s)

    Introduction to theory, research, and practice in the fields of first and second language acquisition; understanding of language acquisition at various developmental levels, both within and outside the classroom; and application of language acquisition theories to instructional practice in grades 5-12. Spring.

    Corequisite(s): @SECD 394 .
  • SECD 375 - Methods of Teaching Computer Science

    3 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to prepare students to teach computer science concepts and skills in grades 7-12. The course fosters knowledge and understanding of current trends in computer science education with a particular focus on the K-12 school computer science curriculum standards and effective pedagogical strategies.

  • SECD 376 - Middle/Secondary Computer Science Education Practicum Grade 7-12

    2 Credit(s)

    Corequisite(s): SECD 375  
  • @SECD 390 - Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience: Middle Mathematics: Grades 5-9

    2 Credit(s)

    Students will observe, tutor and teach mathematics in a middle school (grades 5-8). Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLS 349 .
    Corequisite(s): @SECD 370 .
  • @SECD 391 - Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience: Secondary English Language Arts: Grades 10-12

    1 Credit(s)

    Field based experience in which students observe, tutor, and teach in middle school, junior high, and high school classrooms.

    Prerequisite(s): EDLS 349  and SECD 210  
    Corequisite(s): @SECD 371 .
  • @SECD 393 - Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience: Middle Social Studies: Grades 5-9

    1 Credit(s)

    Students will observe the teaching of social studies in the middle and secondary school. Spring.

    Corequisite(s): @SECD 373 .
  • @SECD 394 - Observation in Foreign Language Classroom Grades 5-12

    1 Credit(s)

    Pre-student teaching field experience involving classroom observation of foreign language teachers and learners in grades 5-12. Spring.

    Corequisite(s): @SECD 374 .
  • SECD 402 - Elementary STEM Methods

    3 Credit(s)

  • SECD 403 - Elementary Computer Science Education Practicum

    2 Credit(s)

    Corequisite(s): SECD 375  
  • @SECD 410 - Middle or Secondary Science Field Experience

    3 Credit(s)

    This course provides pre-student teaching field experience in secondary science in the B.A. and B.A./M.S.T. programs, or middle school (grades 5-8) pre student teaching field experience for students in the B.A./M.S.T. program leading to certification for Middle School and High School. Under the supervision of mentor teachers and the SUNY Potsdam course instructor, students will observe, design and deliver lessons in an assigned public school classroom. They will spend a minimum of six hours in the public school each week, and meet with the course instructor on campus one hour per week. After two weeks of observations and as approved by the mentor teacher, students will lead small group learning activities in the classroom. After one month and as approved by the mentor teacher, they will teach a minimum of two hours in the classroom each week. Partnership schools have been selected with three criteria in mind: 1) They have been selected because they provide mentor teachers who are actively involved in the current school reform movement; 2) They have been selected because they include diverse student populations representing multiple ethnic groups and/or include groups that traditionally have been underserved by schools; 3) They have been selected because for each, the school-college partnership is mutually beneficial, enabling the school district to progress in its school improvement plan, and enabling the College to provide a special opportunity to apply pedagogical learning in a meaningful context. Given these criteria, by enrolling in this course students are assuming a new level of responsibility in their education. They will be engaged by participating public school teachers in a manner to enhance the education provided to their students. This course is an opportunity to begin, in a small way, assuming responsibility to provide for the educational needs of students in the pre-college classroom.

  • @SECD 411 - Middle School Science Field Experience

    3 Credit(s)

    This course provides pre-student teaching field experience in middle school science education. Under the supervision of mentor teachers and a SUNY Potsdam course instructor, students will observe, design and deliver lessons in an assigned public school classroom. Students will spend a minimum of six hours in the public school each week, and meet with the course instructor on campus one hour per week. After two weeks of observations and as approved by the mentor teacher, students will lead small group learning activities in the classroom. After one month and as approved by the mentor teacher, students will teach a minimum of two hours in the classroom each week. Partnership schools are selected with three criteria in mind. 1) Mentor teachers are actively involved in the current school reform movement. 2) Partnership schools include diverse student populations representing multiple ethnic groups and/or include groups that traditionally have been underserved by schools. 3) The school-college partnership is mutually beneficial, enabling the school district to progress in its school improvement plan, and enabling the college to provide students with a special opportunity to apply pedagogical learning in a meaningful context. Given these criteria, by enrolling in this course students are assuming a new level of responsibility in their education. They will be engaged by participating public school teachers in a manner to enhance the education provided to their students. This course is an opportunity to begin, in a small way, assuming responsibility to provide for the educational needs of students in the pre-college classroom.

  • @SECD 455 - Student Teaching in the Middle/Jr. High School

    6 Credit(s)

    Half semester of student teaching in student’s academic major in grades 7-9, under guidance of sponsor teacher and college supervisor.

  • @SECD 456 - Student Teaching in the Senior High School

    6 Credit(s)

    Half semester of student teaching in student’s academic major in grades 10-12, under the guidance of sponsor teacher and college supervisor.

  • @SECD 457 - Student Teaching 7-12

    6 Credit(s)

    Half semester of student teaching in student academic major in grades 7-12 under guidance of sponsor teacher and college supervisor. For Theatre Education students only.

    Prerequisite(s): DRAM 361  and DRAM 362 .
    Corequisite(s): EDLS 415  and EDUC 419  .
  • @SECD 470 - Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will introduce students to current research and issues related to teaching mathematics in grades 9-12. The students in this course will learn how to engage high school students in meaningful mathematics and how to work with high school students who are not meeting minimum standards. They will prepare high school students to use mathematics as an everyday citizen and to move successfully into programs that require the study of mathematics at the college level. They will become knowledgeable about the current NYS Learning Standards for Mathematics and the NCTM Standards. Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): @SECD 370 .
    Corequisite(s): @SECD 490 .
  • @SECD 471 - Teaching Reading and Literature: Grades 5-12

    4 Credit(s)

    Third course in the sequence in teaching literacy in English Language Arts classrooms, grades 5-12. This course will extend study of literacy for all learners, including students acquiring the English Language Arts as a second language and students with special learning needs, in middle childhood and adolescence English Language Arts classrooms. The course will provide focused studies on the teaching of literature and reading, grades 5-12. Infused throughout this focused study at both the middle childhood and adolescence levels will be teaching strategies for integrating reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students will also work in the computer lab using and locating resources on teaching reading and literature, constructing reading databases and examine instructional uses of power point and electronic communication. Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): @SECD 361 .
    Corequisite(s): SECD 491 .
  • @SECD 472 - Science Curricula: Programs and Standards

    3 Credit(s)

    This course is designed to introduce future teachers to school science curricula and programs in grades 7-12. Students will be made aware of current trends in science education as defined by the New York State Department of Education, the National Science Education Standards, Project 2061, and NSTA’s Science Scope and Sequence Project. This course will integrate study of educational technology with the study of curricula and programs.

  • @SECD 473 - Middle/Secondary School Social Studies Instruction

    2 Credit(s)

    Emphasizes methods and materials of instruction in junior and senior high school social studies. Opportunity to design lesson plans. Classroom observations, protocol observations or other instructional experiences included. Connections between curriculum and instruction emphasized. Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): @SECD 373  & @SECD 393 .
    Corequisite(s): @SECD 493 .
  • @SECD 474 - Foreign Language Instruction, Curriculum & Assessment: Grades 5-12

    3 Credit(s)

    Introduction to history of foreign language education and teaching; understanding of the role of foreign language in junior high/middle and senior high school programs; understanding and application of the national and state foreign language learning standards; introduction to and application of approaches, methods, strategies, and techniques of foreign language instruction; utilization of assessment tools to obtain information about foreign language learners’ learning as well as assist them in reflecting on their own progress; selection, evaluation, development, and modification of foreign language curricula; practice in instructional planning through interdisciplinary lesson and unit development which is developmentally and proficiency level appropriate and incorporates four language skills, culture, and technology; and creation of a community of learners, including students with special needs, in the foreign language classroom. Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): @SECD 374  & @SECD 394 .
    Corequisite(s): @SECD 494 .
  • SECD 484 - Secondary Social Studies Content Portfolio

    1 Credit(s)

    In this course students prepare a portfolio designed to allow them to demonstrate their content knowledge of social studies as aligned with the National Council for the Social studies (NCSS) ten thematic standards. In addition, a reflective essay for each standard is required in which students discuss how they integrated this content knowledge into their student teaching. For BA Social Studies 7-12 5-6 Ext students only.

    Prerequisite(s): @SECD 373  & @SECD 393 .
    Corequisite(s): @SECD 473  & @SECD 493 .
  • SECD 485 - Student Teaching Grades 7-9

    12 Credit(s)

    Student Teaching Grades 7-9

  • SECD 486 - Student Teaching Grades 10-12

    12 Credit(s)

    Student Teaching Grades 10-12 Fall and Spring S/U

  • @SECD 490 - Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience: Secondary Mathematics: Grades 10-12

    2 Credit(s)

    Students will observe, tutor and teach mathematics in a secondary school (grades 9-12). Fall.

    Corequisite(s): @SECD 470 .
  • @SECD 491 - Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience: Middle English Language Arts: Grades 5-9

    2 Credit(s)

    Field based experience in which students observe, tutor, and teach in middle school, junior high, and high school classrooms.

    Prerequisite(s): Learning Community I and II.
    Corequisite(s): @SECD 471 .
  • @SECD 493 - Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience: Secondary Social Studies: Grades 10-12

    2 Credit(s)

    Students will observe and give instruction in social studies in the middle and secondary school. Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): @SECD 373 .
    Corequisite(s): @SECD 473 .
  • @SECD 494 - Practicum in the Foreign Language Classroom: Grades 5-12

    1 Credit(s)

    Pre-student teaching field experience involving classroom instruction and assessment of and curriculum development for foreign language learners in grades 5-12. Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): @SECD 374  & @SECD 394 .
    Corequisite(s): @SECD 474 .
  • SECD 496 - Student Teaching Remediation

    3 Credit(s)

    This course is individually designed based on the candidate’s Professional Development Plan (PDP) and typically includes a student teaching placement.   

Sociology and Criminal Justice

Courses are offered each semester unless otherwise designated.

  • SOCI 101 - Introduction to Sociology

    3 Credit(s)

    Gen Ed: SW
    This course examines sociology as study of human behavior, social groups, socialization, stratification and social change; a consideration of basic social institutions. Fall and Spring.

  • SOCI 102 - Contemporary Social Problems

    3 Credit(s)

    This introductory course explores american capitalism and the nature of sexual, racial and economic inequality; contemporary American institutions such as family, educational systems and systems of social control; and American culture. Fall and Spring.

  • SOCI 103 - Intro Criminal Justice Studies

    3 Credit(s)

    This course will introduce students to the debates, theories, and research methodologies that help us understand the organization and relationships that created and continue to maintain the criminal justice system.

  • SOCI 104 - Introduction to Homeland Security

    3 Credit(s)

    This course provides a broad overview of homeland security and homeland defense as undertaken in the United States since September 11, 2001. The course focuses on four areas: security risks to the United States posed both by social issues and natural disaster; the policies and procedures enacted since 9/11; the key players at the federal, state, and local levels; and legal issues critical to the conduct of homeland security and defense activities by the federal government. Fall.

  • SOCI 105 - Introduction to Social Justice

    3 Credit(s)

    In this introductory course, we consider the meanings and dimensions of social justice, we critically examine various forms of injustice, and we engage in social justice work through participation in a service-learning project with a campus partner. We will begin by defining social justice and describing conceptual frameworks for thinking about social justice, then we explore various issues of inequality and oppression, examining their historical background, reading personal descriptions or narratives and finally, considering people’s efforts to challenge inequality and oppression. Throughout the course, you will be engaged in a service-learning project with the Center for Diversity that will allow you to gain experience and skills working to create social justice in our campus community. Fall and Spring.

  • SOCI 150 - Introduction to Women’s and Genders Studies

    3 Credit(s)

    This course provides an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of women’s and gender studies. It explores the biological, cultural, and structural debates surrounding issues such as gendered violence, gay vs. straight parenting, the gendered workplace, pornography, and the role of media in the social construction of masculinity and femininity. While the focus is primarily on the U.S., it does include a global perspective as well.

  • SOCI 195 - Special Topics

    1-12 Credit(s)

  • SOCI 198 - Tutorial

    1-3 Credit(s)

  • SOCI 201 - Introduction to Social Stratification

    3 Credit(s)

    This course takes a sociological approach to the study of social stratification in the United States, orienting students to patterns of privilege and inequality in contemporary society. Particular emphasis is placed on the ways that race, class, gender, and other systems of inequality intersect and support each other, providing advantages for some and disadvantaging others. The structural and cultural factors by which social reproduction occurs are examined as are the ways that people actively challenge and change systems of social stratification. Fall and Spring.

  • SOCI 202 - Inequalities and Crime

    3 Credit(s)

    Crime in any society reflects the power relationships between different social groups. This course provides an introductory examination of crime in the Unites States via an overview of current theory, research, and trends within the context of specific inequalities faced by groups. We will examine how inequalities shape the experience of individuals and groups with the criminal justice system as both offenders and victims of crime. We will engage in many of these topics with a context of current events.

  • SOCI 210 - Quantitative Research Methods

    3 Credit(s)

    This course explores the various quantitative approaches to research design, data collection and analysis, hypothesis formulation, sampling, measurement of variables, data-gathering techniques (experiments, surveys, secondary analysis of existing data, content analysis), and statistical analysis. It includes practical work with data collection and statistical software. Required for the Sociology major. Fall and Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 101  or SOCI 103  and STAT 100   or MATH 125  or CIS 125  
  • SOCI 220 - Qualitative Research Methods

    3 Credit(s)

    Qualitative approaches to research design, data collection, and analysis: formulation of research questions, sampling, data-gathering techniques (field research and ethnography, qualitative interviewing, focus groups, historical research, textual analysis and visual sociology) and qualitative analysis. Includes hands-on fieldwork experiences and work with qualitative analysis software. Fall and Spring.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 101  or SOCI 103 .
  • SOCI 295 - Special Topics

    1-12 Credit(s)

  • SOCI 298 - Tutorial

    1-3 Credit(s)

  • SOCI 300 - Sociological Theory

    3 Credit(s)

    Explores the origin and development of classical sociological theories in the 19thand 20thcenturies, their expression in contemporary sociological theorizing, and their relevance in the global society of the 21stcentury. Six sociology credits at SUNY Potsdam required.

  • SOCI 305 - Sociology of the Family

    3 Credit(s)

    Family as social institution. Emphasis on structure and function of family; cross-cultural comparisons; analysis of contemporary American family systems.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 101 .
  • SOCI 310 - Racial and Ethnic Relations

    3 Credit(s)

    Factors involved in intergroup relations; principal minority groups in United States, research findings in prejudice and discrimination; programs aimed at amelioration of intergroup tensions. Fall.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 101 .
  • SOCI 313 - Global Cultures

    3 Credit(s)

    This course introduces students to cultural variation and fragmentation among the areas of the world referred to as the Third World. Geographically, the notion is identified with non-western cultures of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Latin America. As warranted.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 101 .
  • SOCI 320 - Work and Complex Organizations

    3 Credit(s)

    An examination of change in organization of work influenced by workers, management and global economic forces. Topics include: scientific management, human relations, employee involvement, deindustrialization, occupational hazards, gender and race relations, underground economy, influences of work in Japan, Sweden and Mondragon on U.S. As warranted.

    Prerequisite(s): SOCI 101 .

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