The Adolescence Education Science program is a 4+1 program that leads to initial certification with a 5-6 grade extension at the master’s level. It first requires completion of a bachelor’s degree (with equivalent major coursework) from one of the following majors: biology, chemistry, geology, or physics. Students second major will be in Adolescence Science Education. During the M.S.T. phase of the program, course work will be completed fully online with in person field placements. This program is the perfect fit for those who have a passion for science to convert that fervor into skills to effectively teach it. Graduates will leave with the skills to effectively teach adolescents core principles of natural science fields.
Program Student Learning Outcomes:
Adolescence Education: Science B.A./M.S.T. candidates will be able to:
• demonstrate knowledge of the utilization of technology in the classroom by designing a lesson plan that makes connections to their content area.
• develop a learning segment that demonstrates appropriate connections to NYSSLS (New York State Science Learning Standards).
• develop and implement a learning segment using NYSSLS to demonstrate the use of multiple instructional strategies to engage all students.
• develop and implement a learning segment on topics related to NYSSLS to analyze learning gains for individual students, the class, and subgroups of students to inform future planning and teaching.
Additional Information:
Application into this program requires a minimum of 2.0 in each course in the science content major. All Education courses must be completed with a 2.7 or higher, with a 2.75 GPA overall (education and liberal studies). Education courses (EDLS and SECD courses) require a minimum grade of 2.7 or above; therefore, these courses will not satisfy the requirement if students elect the S/P/U grading option. However, an S grade can be used to fulfill cognate requirements in the major. Students must follow the S/P/U policy for the science major(s) they are pursuing.
Students pursuing the B.A./M.S.T. Adolescence Science Education Option “A” (for certification in one High School science with an extension to middle school) must complete an appropriate science major and a distribution in other science courses as listed.Select one of the following for a first major: biology, chemistry, geology or physics. To officially declare both majors (science and education) contact One Stop. You will be assigned an adviser for each major who will guide you in selecting appropriate courses.