Oct 22, 2024  
2024-2025 SUNY Potsdam Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 SUNY Potsdam Academic Catalog

Computer Science, General Track, B.S.

The Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science, General Track, is appropriate if you want to pursue a career as a computing professional or continue on to graduate school. This broad degree option includes coursework in algorithms, the theory of computation, software desgin, all levels of computer systems, networks, programming languages, and software engineering. The General Track provides a chance to take several specialized elective courses. The B.S. degree requires the intro calculus sequence and a science sequence of the student’s choice.

Program Student Learning Outcomes:

Computer Science B.S. students will be able to:

   • solve problems through analysis and implementation of tested programs that use data structures and algorithms.
   • program the multiple layers (e.g., compiler, operating system, network, assembly language) between a high-level programming language and the underlying hardware.
   • apply logic and mathematical proof techniques to computing problems, including computability, formal languages, and complexity of algorithms.
   • evaluate ethical outcomes of professional policies, practices, and products at societal, organizational, and personal scales.
   • apply, alone and in teams, responsible software engineering methodology, tools, and practices.

Program Requirements

Required Courses: 50 Credits

*MATH 340  may be used to fulfill the CIS 300  requirement for double majors in Mathematics and Computer Science only.

Capstone Experience: 3 Credits

Each student completing a B.S. or B.A. in Computer Science is required to engage in a capstone experience of three or more credits: either CIS 480  or CIS 490 . To complete this requirement, a student prepares a formal proposal for approval by the Computer Science faculty, performs the proposed work, and presents written and oral reports to the Computer Science Department. Most students choose to complete their capstone experience through a credit internship (CIS 490 ).

One of the following

Cognate Requirements in Mathematics: 11-15 Credits

**MATH 461  may be used to meet the MATH 125  requirement.

Cognate Requirements in Science: 8 Credits

One of the following


  • No courses other than CIS 201 , CIS 480 , or CIS 490  can be taken for S/P/U credit and applied toward the requirements for the major in Computer Science.
  • A student must have a GPA of at least 2.0 in the Computer Science major requirements to register for CIS 480 - Senior Project  or CIS 490 - Computer Science Internship .
  • Computer Science majors/minors with catalog years before Fall 2022 who complete CIS 203  before Spring 2023 will continue with degree requirements without CIS 205  . CIS 203  will be the prerequisite for advanced Computer Science courses (CIS 3xx and CIS 4xx) for such students.

  • Beginning with the Fall 2022 catalog, Computer Science majors/minors must follow the revised program requirements and take CIS 205  after CIS 203  . CIS 205  will be the prerequisite for advanced Computer Science courses (CIS 3xx and CIS 4xx) for such students.

Total Credit Hours Required: 53 Plus 19-23 Credits of Cognates